About the sub
External deck
The external deck offers seats for every passenger to enjoy views of the suroundings while cruising on the surface towards the dive location or during the surface cruise.
Passenger cabin
The passenger cabin offers comfortable seating during diving. The 14 glass viewports allow for up to 27 passengers to see through. In addition, each viewport has a monitor installed displaying real time video from 4 cameras installed on the exterior.
The cockpit is equiped with the necessary technology for submarines to operate. It also possesses through Water Communication (TWC) unit and VHF, which is used to communicate with other boats in the area.
The submarine has the capacity to transport up to 27 passengers (and 3 crew members) and can reach depths up to 30 meters. It has electrical power for underwater propulsion and two diesel engines for driving on the surface. The submarine is 19.5 meters long, 6 meters wide and weighs 65 tons.
The submarine, (or Subcat Catalonia, as it’s original name) was built in Spain in 2002 by Nodosa shipyard under guidance of the main designer Mr Oriol. The Sub is named after the province “Catalonia” in Spain. It has been operating in the Canary Islands, Greece, Antigua and Vanuatu since. Our Australian company has imported the Subcat into Australia in 2018. It took 2 years to complete full refit and another year to comply with 3 maritime authorities; Vanuatu Flag, American Bureau of Shipping and Australian Maritime Authority. It’s original colour was all white, until it was painted yellow and blue by previous owners in 2013.
Built by world class leading shipyard;
Numerous safety and rescue equipment;
Crew experienced in Submarine operations;
Support vessel accompanies Submarine while diving;
National and International Maritime Safety compliance;